Dirty Words at Work Chapter 6: Boss noun: Boss a person in charge of a worker or organization. The idea of a boss and even the word boss has changed significantly in recent decades. A boss is someone in a position of authority or one that has power over another. Thus, a boss is someone…
6 Reasons Why Telling a Better Story Increases Your Chances of Success
6 Reasons Why Telling a Better Story Increases Your Chances of Success We all have a story. Does your story contribute to your chances of success? Some of us come from poor families, others from well-off families. We come from a mix of races- Asian, African, European or otherwise. We might live near the place…
Dirty Words at Work Chapter 5: Age
Dirty Words at Work Age: Discrimination in the Workplace noun: Age the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed. “Protected class,” “retirement,” “experience,” and “seniority” often come to mind when people think of age discrimination in the workplace. At work a taboo topic like age is often avoided for…
Buying a Car or Selling Your Soul? Top Tips to Avoid Losing Your Ass at the Dealership
Buying a Car or Selling Your Soul? Top Tips to Avoid Losing Your Ass at the Dealership By Alexander R. Tipton Buying a car can be incredibly time consuming, infuriating, expensive and even ethically questionable. Some people can’t stand going to a car dealership, wading through all the hoops just to get something new. Once…